Welcome to
Brother Theo

Career coaching and legacy planning for artists

My Services

The art industry has traditionally been focused on individual creativity and self-expression, rather than on business or career development for artists.

As a result, many artists may not be aware of the benefits that professional support can provide. Just like high-performing athletes or successful entrepreneurs, visual artists can benefit greatly from specialised assistance.

Career coaching is a type of professional support designed to help individuals achieve their goals and reach their full potential.

Pencil sketch of Brother Theo logo

Introduction session

You can book a one-hour introductory call to discuss your goals and explore available options. Simply schedule a convenient time, answer a short questionnaire, and let’s work together to see what we can accomplish.


Brother Theo Logo on a leather couch

One-on-One Coaching

Personalized coaching with regular check-ins and goal-setting sessions. We start with a two-hour session followed by weekly catch-ups and monthly two-hour sessions to ensure progress and accountability.

$200 / hour

a series of antique seals and Brother The logo

Legacy Planning

We work together to build a rock solid platform on which to build your legacy. It begins with a comprehensive two-hour session, followed by regular weekly follow-ups and a dedicated day each month to ensure progress.

$200 / hour

Why Brother Theo

Set your goals

Develop a clear understanding of your personal and professional goals 

Enhance your Studio practice

Refine your studio practices to power negotiations and legacy building

Remove Barriers

Overcome barriers to success, such as self-doubt, lack of motivation or time management

Expand your business

Discover new ways of generating income and reaching a wider audience

How I Can Help You

If you are an artist seeking to take control of your career, let’s work together to design a roadmap for your desired future. We can collaborate on developing the necessary skills and tactics to help you achieve your goals.

Whether you’re just starting out or looking to take your career to the next level, I am here to help you achieve your goals and reach your full potential as an artist.

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